醞釀多年,華語另類 R&B 指標大作
何俊葦 x 呂尚霖 x 王昱辰
「靈魂夜姬」鄭雙雙 SherryZ
當鄭雙雙初踏上音樂之路,一切看似大有可為。年輕的她在各大歌唱比賽過關斬將。她擁有獨一無二、辨識度極高的醉人嗓音。她在貴人相助之下,一出道就獨立發行黑膠 EP,堪稱台灣音樂募資的先驅。然而在一場糟糕的工作關係之中,她的生涯宣告停擺,卻又無處可逃。糟糕的工作關係帶來糟糕的感情,加上絕望與自卑時時作伴,如今想來仍令人窒息。在她幾乎要放棄的時候,幸得有親友介紹去酒吧駐唱,才讓她漸漸重新燃起對於音樂與表演的熱情。
《TIME》是鄭雙雙繞了一大段遠路才終於推出的首張專輯,像是一只塞在衣櫃深處的收納箱,裡頭盡是不堪回首的時光,但在她誠實恣意的嗓音中,聽來卻又如此美麗。從小深受黑人音樂洗禮的鄭雙雙,在專輯中大量引入跨時代的 R&B 律動與靈魂色澤。她的歌聲經典雋永時如 Anita Baker,前衛性感時像 Amy Winehouse,能婉轉能挑釁,令人驚艷於她在音樂風格深耕的工夫。曾獲金曲獎提名的音樂製作人何俊葦擔綱共同製作及主要編曲,充滿驚喜的另類實驗聲響俯拾即是;畫龍點睛的混音,則完全交由知名獨立音樂才子王昱辰操刀。
Life's path is often unpredictable. What may seem promising at first glance could be the fading light before nightfall. In her debut album Time, the Taiwan-based singer-songwriter SherryZ captures her journey when everything went into darkness after she was under a restrictive 360 deal with a mainstream record label. Looking back on that period, she still feels suffocated and distorted, like one of the walking dead.
It all started from when SherryZ had just graduated from college. She had garnered a couple of first prizes from singing contests, risen to fame on the prestigious talent show Chinese Million Star, and independently released her first EP on vinyl. While it was easy to assume that countless opportunities would wait for such a rising star, things turned into a four-year-long despair. The label was not only unwilling to release any music or arrange shows for, considering her not commercially ready, but they also provided no training or support for her musical growth. To spare her parents from worry, she secretly took a job as an accountant at a musical instrument dealer to sustain her livelihood. This made her doubt her career choice even more. She didn’t have the courage to meet people and distanced herself from the constant pressure of social media presence. Meanwhile, even all her relationships turned toxic.
At the brink of quitting music altogether, a relative helped her secure a residency at a hotel bar, which slowly revived her passion for music.
After the termination of the contract with the label, SherryZ took a long while to regain her self-confidence and to hone her craft to make her own music. She discovered that only through performing music could she feel a sense of achievement and fulfillment. If music was her destiny, she realized it was never too late to fight for it.
Having spent four years preparing, SherryZ has finally completed her debut album. It is titled ‘Time’ in the sense of packing the traumatic period into a memory box, as she yearns to archive it and move forward. Musically, the album showcases her love for classic R&B/soul music and her versatile vocal and songwriting skills. The Golden Melody Award-nominated producer Chunho has been helm the entire album production with SherryZ, and his experimental/electronic touches can be felt throughout, making the tracks distinguishable from ordinary nostalgia. The final mix was done by Yuchain Wang, known for his longtime collaboration with Sunset Rollercoaster.

Love on Hold
Get a Little Higher
Cola Man
I Was a Fool
Bad Dreams
Stay Who You Are
I Hear the Call
Lean Your Weight Back
Once Again